Friday, June 10, 2011

"Meal Plan" for this Sunday at Coast

Come join us and feast upon the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ as we look at God's Word together.

9 AM Pastor's Class

Ric Deyarmond will be teaching on the doctrine of the Church under this heading: The Church: Its Nature, Its Marks and Its Purposes.

10:30 AM Worship Service

I will be preaching the first message in a series, entitled 'Wait Well!', from Romans 8:18-25 (with our focus on Romans 8:18).

Bon appetit (enjoy your meal)!

Pastor Earl


  1. You got me... I was like, "What?! What meal plan?! Did I miss an announcment?!" :-)

    Julie B.

  2. Me too! Well........Julie, are you hungry? I am!!! Chomp! Chomp!

  3. I second what Mrs. B said... You got me on that pun. :)
