Thursday, May 3, 2012

Thank Yous and This Sunday at Coast

Dear Coast family,

I hope you all are doing well this week.

First of all, let's say a "Big Thank You!" to all those who made last Sunday such a blessing to our body.

During the worship service in regard to the missions presentation ... Christian and Charlie and Amal and Mark and Susan Smith (as well as everyone who helped in various ways).

After our worship service in regard to the potluck meal ... Diane Cardinas and Hannah Johnson (as well as everyone else who helped in pulling this off ... like Rene Cardinas and Doug Pyle in the cooking department).

As well as to those who serve faithfully each week in our children's Sunday School, worship team, hospitality ministry, sound team, finance team, set up and break down, various administrative tasks and in many unseen and unheralded ways!

"And whoever in the name of a disciple gives to one of these little ones even a cup of cold water to drink, truly I say to you, he shall not lose his reward." (Matthew 10:42)

Thank you so very much for your service and may God be richly honored in all our hearts.

This Sunday we will return to our normal schedule.

9:00 AM      Sunday School for the Children

                  Pastor's Class topic: Living the Cross Centered Life (Part 3): Fighting Condemnation

10:30 AM     The Hard Truth about Hard Hearts (Romans 11:7-10)

Come to get a blessing and come to be a blessing. As someone has said, "Life is not about living; life is about giving ... according to the Lord Jesus (Matthew 20:28)!

Hope to see you Sunday.

God bless you all,
