Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Coast News and Reminders

We want to thank the Lord for a wonderful day together last Sunday and give a special thanks to those who played key roles in it: Nicki from South Africa, our missions team (Ric, Christian, Charlie) and Rene and Diane Cardinas (our wonderful feast makers). And thank you to everyone who helped in various ways. Indeed, thank you to all of you who lead and minister and serve in our body each week in wonderful and needed ways!

If you have not heard there is a parenting conference next Saturday that is being put on by IBCD. Some Coasters are already planning to go (Jan and I are). You can find out more by noting the attachment and contacting IBCD.

We will be getting back into the Psalms this Sunday during the 9 AM Pastor's class. We will look at Psalm 20 - "God Save the King!" At 10:30, we will back in Romans looking especially Romans 3:26 - "What Are You Trusting Jesus For?"

For those of you who are involved, don't forget the leadership meeting at my house at 7 AM tomorrow morning. Breakfast will be served. Please pray for God's wisdom and blessing as we seek to minister at Coast in a way that is pleasing to the Lord.

The all-youth meeting is tonight so please be in prayer for Dan as he teaches and for this special time of encouragement of our youth and the application of the gospel to where they are.

This Sunday is the sign-up for the food boxes distributed by our deacons every other week. A $30 donation is a great investment in light of the food provided. This a wonderful ministry which the Lord has brought about. Please pray for God's wisdom and provision for the future of this ministry in and through our body.

As most of you know, there are home fellowships (based on geographical region) that meet once a month. This is another blessing in our body that the Lord has brought about. If you don't know which one is closest to you or if you are not very close to any of the present home fellowships and would like one to be started closer to you, please let us know.

Don't forget your coffee cups for Sunday morning. We would like to leave the "purchased" cups primarily for visitors and newcomers to Coast. Let us come to worship with empty cups ready to be filled!

Our monthly home prayer meeting opportunity is this coming Thursday at Mike and Diana Hodson's home at 7:30 PM. Please join us if you can. God promises to answer prayer and we desperately need Him as families and as a church. If you need directions contact Mike and Diana at 714-282-8988. If this is not a good time or location for you and you would like to host a prayer meeting in your home, please let us know.

Check your bulletins on Sunday for other upcoming meetings and events.

Pray for one another "without ceasing," especially those in need of jobs and business growth as well as for those with babies on the way.

Keep trusting His promises, He's never failed us yet and He never will!

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