Coast News and Reminders
Quote of the Week: You can never get enough of what you don't need to make you happy. (Eric Hoffer)
Promise for the Week: He who is generous will be blessed, for he gives some of his food to the poor. (Proverbs 22:9)
This Sunday during the 9 AM Pastor's class, we will look again at Psalm 23 – The Shepherd’s Psalm (Part 2). At 10:30, we will look at Romans 4:13-25 - "The Promise Driven Life (Part 1).” You can get a quick review of what we talked about last week by reviewing the notes at the end of this post (note: if you pass your cursor over the Scripture references the text will pop up for you).
The All-Youth Meeting is this Friday, June 4.
The annual backpacking trip for the men is scheduled for June 21-26. Contact Mike Hodson if you are interested.
If you are interested in membership at Coast, please let Dan or Earl know. A membership packet can be picked up from Diana Hodson on Sundays. We will be setting another date for a membership meeting soon.
A big thank you to the Women’s Retreat Planning Team (Peggy Rupprecht, DeeDee Wakabayashi, and Diane Cardinas) for the wonderful job putting together the women’s day away. And we also want to extend a big thank you to the ones who gave financially to make this day extremely affordable for the ladies (free!) and doable for us as a church!
Please continue to be in prayer for Rainier Ray as he ministers in Kenya at an orphanage.
There is a ministry need in our Sunday School. If you have an interest in teaching in the 8-12s Sunday School and would like more information, please contact Earl or Dan.
There is also a ministry need for workers in our Nursery/2&3s ministry. If you could help to meet this need and would like more information, please contact our coordinator, Carolyn Sainz.
We are searching more aggressively now for another facility. Please be on the lookout for possible church facility opportunities or industrial space opportunities in Fountain Valley, Huntington Beach, Costa Mesa, Garden Grove, Westminster or Midway City, and in a zone along the 405 freeway extending approximately two miles on either side of the freeway and ranging between Bolsa Chica Rd. on the west end and the 55 freeway on the east end. If you have any information or suggestions, please contact Ben Urbina and the facility search team.
Check your bulletins on Sunday for other upcoming meetings and events.
Pray for one another "without ceasing," especially those in need of jobs and business growth as well as for those with babies on the way.
Keep trusting His promises, He's never failed us yet and He never will!
Signed, Sealed and Delivered
Romans 4:9-12; Coast Community Church; Pastor Earl Miles; May 23, 2010
In this passage (verses 9-12), Paul is raising the question, “How or when did Abraham receive the blessing that comes from being counted righteous by faith?” In other words, how can we be sure that God justifies the ungodly by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone when good works and religious rituals seem to be so important in the Scripture?
Happiness in God
The first thing that Paul mentions in this passage is the issue of true happiness. Look at Romans 4:9. Is this blessing then on the circumcised or on the uncircumcised? (9a) The first thing we see in verse 9 is a reference again to “blessing.” Blessedness is a divinely inspired, other-worldly kind of happiness that never ends and is always full and still increasing. We get a taste of it here, but we won’t really enter into it in its fullness until we see God face to face. (Psalm 16:11) This is why the gospel leads us to say, “God is the Supreme Good.” And to fight with the argument, “Fleeting pleasure Jesus is better!”
The Ritual of Circumcision
The second thing Paul mentions is the practice of the ritual of circumcision. Look at Romans 4:9 again. Is this blessing then on the circumcised or on the uncircumcised? (9a) Circumcision was a physical ritual in which a part of the body of boys in Israel, 8 days after birth, was removed, according to God’s command. It was a way of distinguishing the people of God, the Jews, from all the other nations. Circumcision is picked by Paul as representative because it was held in such high esteem among the Jews. (Ephesians 2:11-14) The gospel is meant to break down those walls. The gospel teaches us that man, in his sinful state, is an idol worshiper and that idol worship divides while the worship of the true God unites.
Counted Righteous by Faith
The third thing Paul mentions in the passage is truth of righteousness by faith. Look again at Romans 4:9. For we say, “Faith was credited to Abraham as righteousness.” (9b) Paul is coming back to Genesis 15:6 in light of Psalm 32:1-2. Paul is linking happiness in God and the being counted righteous by God. (John 10:7-11) The gospel declares that God is the supreme good and therefore, our true happiness. But man is an idol worshiper who deserves God’s judgment. So how can we enjoy happiness in God? Only through Jesus the double cure and faith in the promises of God because of Jesus.
Circumstances Surrounding Being Counted Righteous
The fourth thing Paul does is raise the question of how or in what condition was Abraham when God counted him to be righteous. Look at Romans 4:10. How then was it credited? While he was circumcised or uncircumcised? Not while circumcised but while uncircumcised; (10) Paul uses a historical observation in his argument for righteousness apart from works and asks the question of what came first, imputation or circumcision. (Genesis 15:5-6; 16:15-16; 17:10-11, 23-25)
Ritual as a Sign
The next thing Paul does is indicate the first purpose of religious rituals. Look at Romans 4:11. And he received the sign of circumcision, a seal of the righteousness which he had while uncircumcised (11a) Paul defines the purpose of circumcision. Circumcision is a sign. (John 6:26-35) A “sign” is something that points beyond itself to something else. It is a “pointer.”
“Signs,” whether miracles or rituals, are meant to point beyond themselves to the greater, more important, reality.
Ritual as a Seal
Next Paul indicates the second purpose of rituals. Look at Romans 4:11. And he received the sign of circumcision, a seal of the righteousness which he had while uncircumcised (11a) Circumcision is also a seal. It is meant to be evidence of and a testimony to the reality of righteousness by faith. Circumcision is a seal of righteousness by faith. (Galatians 6:12-15)
Circumcision along with baptism and the Lord’s Supper are signs which point beyond themselves and also seals which point to the person participating in these rituals. These rituals point to the person as someone who professes that they are looking to what the ritual points to. They are to function as “signs and seals” that give testimony to our righteousness by faith. But they are not to be depended on for our salvation.
The Father of Believing without Ritual
Next Paul speaks of the fatherhood of Abraham for those who believe and have not been circumcised. Look at Romans 4:11. So that he might be the father of all who believe without being circumcised, that righteousness might be credited to them, (11b) Paul says the purpose of the providence of God in all this is that Abraham, the father of the Jews, would also be the spiritual father of the Gentiles who believe. Paul makes it clear that Abraham’s being counted righteous before he was circumcised was designed by God to communicate something: circumcision was not necessary to be saved. (Acts 15:1-6) Lack of involvement in “ritual” does not prevent the enjoyment of eternal life.
The Father of Believing with Ritual
Finally, Paul speaks of the fatherhood of Abraham for those who believe and have been circumcised. Look at Romans 4:12. And the father of circumcision to those who not only are of the circumcision, but also follow in the steps of the faith of our father Abraham which he had while uncircumcised. (12) Paul affirms the fatherhood of Abraham to the Jews but adds the qualifier of “believing” Jews. This way of speaking of faith also implies the faith that saves “walks” or lives in a particular way. (1 Corinthians 10:1-14) Paul makes it clear that involvement in “ritual” does not ensure eternal life. The involvement in ritual must be an expression of faith in the righteousness of Christ alone. There is a danger in being in church. It is the danger of security in proximity or participation without faith in Christ alone.
Turn, Trust and Obey
All Scripture is designed to call us to turn from our sin to God, to trust in God’s promises to us because of Jesus and to obey God’s Word with hope.
We need to turn from trust in ritual and trust in the promises of God in Jesus and obey God’s Word.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Friday, May 21, 2010
Coast News and Reminders
Quote of the Week: God in seeking his glory seeks the good of his creatures because the emanation of his glory … implies the … happiness of his creatures. … The happiness of the creature consists in rejoicing in God, by which also God is magnified and exalted. (Jonathan Edwards)
Promise for the Week: The LORD will protect you from all evil; He will keep your soul. (Psalm 121:7)
A big thank you to the Women’s Retreat Planning Team (Peggy Rupprecht, DeeDee Wakabayashi, and Diane Cardinas) for the wonderful job putting together the Women’s Day Away. And we also want to extend a big thank you to the ones who gave financially to make this day extremely affordable for the ladies (free!) and doable for us as a church!
This Sunday we will celebrate the Lord’s Supper together.
This Sunday is the sign-up for the food distribution and next Saturday (May 29th) is the pick-up for the food distribution. Contact one of our deacons (Mike Hodson, Greg Southwick, or Scott Johnson) if you have any questions. When you sign up, please bring $30 (cash or check made out to Coast Community Church) and give it to Mike Hodson.
This Sunday during the 9 AM Pastor's class, we will look at Psalm 23 – The Shepherd’s Psalm. At 10:30, we will look at Romans 4:9-12 - "Signed, Sealed and Delivered.”
The annual backpacking trip for the men is scheduled for June 21-26. Contact Mike Hodson if you are interested.
The West Coasters Home Fellowship is meeting tonight (May 21) at the Rupprecht's house.
If you are interested in membership at Coast, please let Dan or Earl know. A membership packet can be picked up from Diana Hodson on Sundays. We will be setting another date for a membership meeting soon.
Please continue to be in prayer for Rainier Ray as he ministers in Kenya at an orphanage.
There is a ministry need in our Sunday School. If you have an interest in teaching in the 8-12s Sunday School and would like more information, please contact Earl or Dan.
There is also a ministry need for workers in our Nursery/2&3s ministry. If you could help to meet this need and would like more information, please contact our coordinator, Carolyn Sainz.
We are searching more aggressively now for another facility. Please be on the lookout for possible church facility opportunities or industrial space opportunities in Fountain Valley, Huntington Beach, Costa Mesa, Garden Grove, Westminster or Midway City, and in a zone along the 405 freeway extending approximately two miles on either side of the freeway and ranging between Bolsa Chica Rd. on the west end and the 55 freeway on the east end. If you have any information or suggestions, please contact Ben Urbina and the facility search team.
Check your bulletins on Sunday for other upcoming meetings and events.
Pray for one another "without ceasing," especially those in need of jobs and business growth as well as for those with babies on the way.
Keep trusting His promises, He's never failed us yet and He never will!
Quote of the Week: God in seeking his glory seeks the good of his creatures because the emanation of his glory … implies the … happiness of his creatures. … The happiness of the creature consists in rejoicing in God, by which also God is magnified and exalted. (Jonathan Edwards)
Promise for the Week: The LORD will protect you from all evil; He will keep your soul. (Psalm 121:7)
A big thank you to the Women’s Retreat Planning Team (Peggy Rupprecht, DeeDee Wakabayashi, and Diane Cardinas) for the wonderful job putting together the Women’s Day Away. And we also want to extend a big thank you to the ones who gave financially to make this day extremely affordable for the ladies (free!) and doable for us as a church!
This Sunday we will celebrate the Lord’s Supper together.
This Sunday is the sign-up for the food distribution and next Saturday (May 29th) is the pick-up for the food distribution. Contact one of our deacons (Mike Hodson, Greg Southwick, or Scott Johnson) if you have any questions. When you sign up, please bring $30 (cash or check made out to Coast Community Church) and give it to Mike Hodson.
This Sunday during the 9 AM Pastor's class, we will look at Psalm 23 – The Shepherd’s Psalm. At 10:30, we will look at Romans 4:9-12 - "Signed, Sealed and Delivered.”
The annual backpacking trip for the men is scheduled for June 21-26. Contact Mike Hodson if you are interested.
The West Coasters Home Fellowship is meeting tonight (May 21) at the Rupprecht's house.
If you are interested in membership at Coast, please let Dan or Earl know. A membership packet can be picked up from Diana Hodson on Sundays. We will be setting another date for a membership meeting soon.
Please continue to be in prayer for Rainier Ray as he ministers in Kenya at an orphanage.
There is a ministry need in our Sunday School. If you have an interest in teaching in the 8-12s Sunday School and would like more information, please contact Earl or Dan.
There is also a ministry need for workers in our Nursery/2&3s ministry. If you could help to meet this need and would like more information, please contact our coordinator, Carolyn Sainz.
We are searching more aggressively now for another facility. Please be on the lookout for possible church facility opportunities or industrial space opportunities in Fountain Valley, Huntington Beach, Costa Mesa, Garden Grove, Westminster or Midway City, and in a zone along the 405 freeway extending approximately two miles on either side of the freeway and ranging between Bolsa Chica Rd. on the west end and the 55 freeway on the east end. If you have any information or suggestions, please contact Ben Urbina and the facility search team.
Check your bulletins on Sunday for other upcoming meetings and events.
Pray for one another "without ceasing," especially those in need of jobs and business growth as well as for those with babies on the way.
Keep trusting His promises, He's never failed us yet and He never will!
Friday, April 9, 2010
Coast News and Reminders
Quote of the Week: Our Lord has written the promise of resurrection, not in books alone, but in every leaf in springtime. (Martin Luther)
Promise for the Week: This is my comfort in my affliction, that Your word has revived me. (Psalm 119:50)
Thank you to those who provided Easter Lilies for the service last week (Karin Sanders and others).
Thank you again to Paul Williams for preparing the Lord’s Supper for us and for the men who helped in serving.
This Saturday, April 10, is the pick-up for the food distribution. Contact one of our deacons (Mike Hodson, Greg Southwick, or Scott Johnson) if you have any questions.
This Sunday during the 9 AM Pastor's class, we will look again at Psalm 21 – Rejoicing in the Display of His Strength, focusing on prayer for the Lord’s strength. At 10:30, we will look at Romans 3:31 - "Putting the Law in Its Place!”
Thank you Mike and Diana for our monthly time of prayer at your house last night.
The Coast College and Career Bible Study is this Sunday, April 11.
Please continue to be in prayer for Moe Khakbaz as he travels home today and tomorrow and also for Rainier Ray as he ministers in Kenya at an orphanage.
Next Sunday, Mark and Susan Smith will be speaking during our worship service.
From last week:
There is going to be a one day Ladies’ Retreat on May 15. So mark your calendars! More info to come.
There will be a Farewell Potluck for Aaron and April Hodson on April 18. See Diana Hodson if you have any questions.
There is a ministry need in our Sunday School. If you have an interest in teaching in the 8-12s Sunday School and would like more information, please contact Earl or Dan.
There is also a ministry need for workers in our Nursery/2&3s ministry. If you could help to meet this need and would like more information, please contact our coordinator, Carolyn Sainz.
We are searching more aggressively now for another facility. Please be on the lookout for possible church facility opportunities or industrial space opportunities in Fountain Valley, Huntington Beach, Costa Mesa, Garden Grove, Westminster or Midway City, and in a zone along the 405 freeway extending approximately two miles on either side of the freeway and ranging between Bolsa Chica Rd. on the west end and the 55 freeway on the east end. If you have any information or suggestions, please contact Ben Urbina and the facility search team.
Check your bulletins on Sunday for other upcoming meetings and events.
Pray for one another "without ceasing," especially those in need of jobs and business growth as well as for those with babies on the way.
Keep trusting His promises, He's never failed us yet and He never will!
Quote of the Week: Our Lord has written the promise of resurrection, not in books alone, but in every leaf in springtime. (Martin Luther)
Promise for the Week: This is my comfort in my affliction, that Your word has revived me. (Psalm 119:50)
Thank you to those who provided Easter Lilies for the service last week (Karin Sanders and others).
Thank you again to Paul Williams for preparing the Lord’s Supper for us and for the men who helped in serving.
This Saturday, April 10, is the pick-up for the food distribution. Contact one of our deacons (Mike Hodson, Greg Southwick, or Scott Johnson) if you have any questions.
This Sunday during the 9 AM Pastor's class, we will look again at Psalm 21 – Rejoicing in the Display of His Strength, focusing on prayer for the Lord’s strength. At 10:30, we will look at Romans 3:31 - "Putting the Law in Its Place!”
Thank you Mike and Diana for our monthly time of prayer at your house last night.
The Coast College and Career Bible Study is this Sunday, April 11.
Please continue to be in prayer for Moe Khakbaz as he travels home today and tomorrow and also for Rainier Ray as he ministers in Kenya at an orphanage.
Next Sunday, Mark and Susan Smith will be speaking during our worship service.
From last week:
There is going to be a one day Ladies’ Retreat on May 15. So mark your calendars! More info to come.
There will be a Farewell Potluck for Aaron and April Hodson on April 18. See Diana Hodson if you have any questions.
There is a ministry need in our Sunday School. If you have an interest in teaching in the 8-12s Sunday School and would like more information, please contact Earl or Dan.
There is also a ministry need for workers in our Nursery/2&3s ministry. If you could help to meet this need and would like more information, please contact our coordinator, Carolyn Sainz.
We are searching more aggressively now for another facility. Please be on the lookout for possible church facility opportunities or industrial space opportunities in Fountain Valley, Huntington Beach, Costa Mesa, Garden Grove, Westminster or Midway City, and in a zone along the 405 freeway extending approximately two miles on either side of the freeway and ranging between Bolsa Chica Rd. on the west end and the 55 freeway on the east end. If you have any information or suggestions, please contact Ben Urbina and the facility search team.
Check your bulletins on Sunday for other upcoming meetings and events.
Pray for one another "without ceasing," especially those in need of jobs and business growth as well as for those with babies on the way.
Keep trusting His promises, He's never failed us yet and He never will!
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Coast News and Reminders
Quote of the Week: Thus it is that justification is ascribed to faith, because it is by faith that we receive Christ; and thus it is by faith only, and not by any other grace. Faith is peculiarly a receiving grace which none other is. Were we said to be justified by repentance, by love, or by any other grace, it would convey to us the idea of something good in us being the consideration on which the blessing was bestowed; but justification by faith conveys no such idea. On the contrary, it leads the mind directly to Christ, in the same manner as saying of a person that he lives by begging leads to the idea of his living on what he freely receives. (Andrew Fuller)
Promise for the Week: For it is for this we labor and strive, because we have fixed our hope on the living God, who is the Savior of all men, especially of believers. (1 Timothy 4:10)
This Sunday we will be celebrating Easter. If you would like to bring a Easter Lily for decoration, you can do so. Please take it home with you afterward if you do.
This Sunday we will also celebrate the Lord’s Supper. Please come prepared for this special time. All those trusting in Jesus alone for His righteousness and for eternal life are welcome to participate.
This Sunday, April 4, is the sign-up for the food distribution. Contact one of our deacons (Mike Hodson, Greg Southwick, or Scott Johnson) if you have any questions.
This Sunday during the 9 AM Pastor's class, we will look at Psalm 21 – Rejoicing in the Display of His Strength. At 10:30, we will look at Romans 3:29-30 - "A Savior for All” as we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord.
Prayer meeting this week, Thursday April 8, at the Hodson’s house at 7:30 PM. Contact Mike if you have any questions.
Please continue to be in prayer for Moe Khakbaz as he visits a foreign country to see his family and to share the gospel and also for Rainier Ray as he ministers in Kenya at an orphanage.
From last week:
There is going to be a one day Ladies’ Retreat on May 15. So mark your calendars! More info to come.
There will be a Farewell Potluck for Aaron and April Hodson on April 18. They will be moving to North Carolina (“where nothing could be finer”). More info to come here as well.
There is a ministry need in our Sunday School. If you have an interest in teaching in the 8-12s Sunday School and would like more information, please contact Earl or Dan.
There is also a ministry need for workers in our Nursery/2&3s ministry. If you could help to meet this need and would like more information, please contact our coordinator, Carolyn Sainz.
We are searching more aggressively now for another facility. Please be on the lookout for possible church facility opportunities or industrial space opportunities in Fountain Valley, Huntington Beach, Costa Mesa, Garden Grove, Westminster or Midway City, and in a zone along the 405 freeway extending approximately two miles on either side of the freeway and ranging between Bolsa Chica Rd. on the west end and the 55 freeway on the east end. If you have any information or suggestions, please contact Ben Urbina and the facility search team.
Check your bulletins on Sunday for other upcoming meetings and events.
Pray for one another "without ceasing," especially those in need of jobs and business growth as well as for those with babies on the way.
Keep trusting His promises, He's never failed us yet and He never will!
Quote of the Week: Thus it is that justification is ascribed to faith, because it is by faith that we receive Christ; and thus it is by faith only, and not by any other grace. Faith is peculiarly a receiving grace which none other is. Were we said to be justified by repentance, by love, or by any other grace, it would convey to us the idea of something good in us being the consideration on which the blessing was bestowed; but justification by faith conveys no such idea. On the contrary, it leads the mind directly to Christ, in the same manner as saying of a person that he lives by begging leads to the idea of his living on what he freely receives. (Andrew Fuller)
Promise for the Week: For it is for this we labor and strive, because we have fixed our hope on the living God, who is the Savior of all men, especially of believers. (1 Timothy 4:10)
This Sunday we will be celebrating Easter. If you would like to bring a Easter Lily for decoration, you can do so. Please take it home with you afterward if you do.
This Sunday we will also celebrate the Lord’s Supper. Please come prepared for this special time. All those trusting in Jesus alone for His righteousness and for eternal life are welcome to participate.
This Sunday, April 4, is the sign-up for the food distribution. Contact one of our deacons (Mike Hodson, Greg Southwick, or Scott Johnson) if you have any questions.
This Sunday during the 9 AM Pastor's class, we will look at Psalm 21 – Rejoicing in the Display of His Strength. At 10:30, we will look at Romans 3:29-30 - "A Savior for All” as we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord.
Prayer meeting this week, Thursday April 8, at the Hodson’s house at 7:30 PM. Contact Mike if you have any questions.
Please continue to be in prayer for Moe Khakbaz as he visits a foreign country to see his family and to share the gospel and also for Rainier Ray as he ministers in Kenya at an orphanage.
From last week:
There is going to be a one day Ladies’ Retreat on May 15. So mark your calendars! More info to come.
There will be a Farewell Potluck for Aaron and April Hodson on April 18. They will be moving to North Carolina (“where nothing could be finer”). More info to come here as well.
There is a ministry need in our Sunday School. If you have an interest in teaching in the 8-12s Sunday School and would like more information, please contact Earl or Dan.
There is also a ministry need for workers in our Nursery/2&3s ministry. If you could help to meet this need and would like more information, please contact our coordinator, Carolyn Sainz.
We are searching more aggressively now for another facility. Please be on the lookout for possible church facility opportunities or industrial space opportunities in Fountain Valley, Huntington Beach, Costa Mesa, Garden Grove, Westminster or Midway City, and in a zone along the 405 freeway extending approximately two miles on either side of the freeway and ranging between Bolsa Chica Rd. on the west end and the 55 freeway on the east end. If you have any information or suggestions, please contact Ben Urbina and the facility search team.
Check your bulletins on Sunday for other upcoming meetings and events.
Pray for one another "without ceasing," especially those in need of jobs and business growth as well as for those with babies on the way.
Keep trusting His promises, He's never failed us yet and He never will!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Coast News and Reminders
Quote of the Week: “Faith receives all from God and brings nothing except an humble confession of want.” (John Calvin)
Promise for the Week: Casting all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you. (1 Peter 5:7)
This Saturday, March 27, is the pick-up for the food distribution. Contact one of our deacons (Mike Hodson, Greg Southwick, or Scott Johnson) if you have any questions.
This Sunday during the 9 AM Pastor's class, we will look again at Psalm 20 - "God Save the King!" (Part 4). At 10:30, we will look at Romans 3:28 - "Caution: Men at Work.”
This Sunday we will celebrate the Lord’s Supper together.
The Coast College and Career Bible Study is this Sunday, March 28.
There is going to be a one day Ladies’ Retreat on May 15. So mark your calendars! More info to come.
There will be a Farewell Potluck for Aaron and April Hodson on April 18. They will be moving to North Carolina (“where nothing could be finer”). More info to come here as well.
From last week:
There is a ministry need in our Sunday School. If you have an interest in teaching in the 8-12s Sunday School and would like more information, please contact Earl or Dan.
There is also a ministry need for workers in our Nursery/2&3s ministry. If you could help to meet this need and would like more information, please contact our coordinator, Carolyn Sainz.
You can access excerpts from past sermons or teachings on another blog called “Look and Live!”:
Please be in prayer for Moe Khakbaz as he visits a foreign country to see his family and to share the gospel. Pray for wisdom and boldness and opportunity and fruit in his witness to his family and others, as well as God’s protection and provision for him and his family during this time.
We are searching more aggressively now for another facility. Please be on the lookout for possible church facility opportunities or industrial space opportunities in Fountain Valley, Huntington Beach, Costa Mesa, Garden Grove, Westminster or Midway City, and in a zone along the 405 freeway extending approximately two miles on either side of the freeway and ranging between Bolsa Chica Rd. on the west end and the 55 freeway on the east end. If you have any information or suggestions, please contact Ben Urbina and the facility search team.
We want to say thank you to Aaron Hodson for working with our 4-7s Sunday School. “Thank you Aaron!” Jan Miles is going to be the coordinator/teacher for this age group each week. Joy Rupprecht will also teach and be working with the children each week, with others helping in various ways.
Please remember that we need to be out of the school auditorium by 12:30 after our worship service. Sometimes our service goes long and this makes it more difficult to do in terms of getting the chairs picked up and the sound equipment out. But try to be sensitive to the time if you are just talking with others and try to move your conversation outside by 12:30 for the janitor’s sake and for the sake of our agreement with the school district.
If you would like to add songs to the Coast Anchor blog or add your blog to the Coast Anchor blog list, email me and let me know. Obviously, we will try to manage this as seems wise and good.
Remember you can access many things on the Coast website at (sermon and teaching audio, notes, birthdays, prayer requests, and contact information for Coast families, etc). If you need login information for the members only section, contact Chris Johnson at
Don't forget your coffee cups for Sunday morning. We would like to leave the "purchased" cups primarily for visitors and newcomers to Coast. Let us come to worship with empty cups ready to be filled!
Check your bulletins on Sunday for other upcoming meetings and events.
Pray for one another "without ceasing," especially those in need of jobs and business growth as well as for those with babies on the way.
Keep trusting His promises, He's never failed us yet and He never will!
Quote of the Week: “Faith receives all from God and brings nothing except an humble confession of want.” (John Calvin)
Promise for the Week: Casting all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you. (1 Peter 5:7)
This Saturday, March 27, is the pick-up for the food distribution. Contact one of our deacons (Mike Hodson, Greg Southwick, or Scott Johnson) if you have any questions.
This Sunday during the 9 AM Pastor's class, we will look again at Psalm 20 - "God Save the King!" (Part 4). At 10:30, we will look at Romans 3:28 - "Caution: Men at Work.”
This Sunday we will celebrate the Lord’s Supper together.
The Coast College and Career Bible Study is this Sunday, March 28.
There is going to be a one day Ladies’ Retreat on May 15. So mark your calendars! More info to come.
There will be a Farewell Potluck for Aaron and April Hodson on April 18. They will be moving to North Carolina (“where nothing could be finer”). More info to come here as well.
From last week:
There is a ministry need in our Sunday School. If you have an interest in teaching in the 8-12s Sunday School and would like more information, please contact Earl or Dan.
There is also a ministry need for workers in our Nursery/2&3s ministry. If you could help to meet this need and would like more information, please contact our coordinator, Carolyn Sainz.
You can access excerpts from past sermons or teachings on another blog called “Look and Live!”:
Please be in prayer for Moe Khakbaz as he visits a foreign country to see his family and to share the gospel. Pray for wisdom and boldness and opportunity and fruit in his witness to his family and others, as well as God’s protection and provision for him and his family during this time.
We are searching more aggressively now for another facility. Please be on the lookout for possible church facility opportunities or industrial space opportunities in Fountain Valley, Huntington Beach, Costa Mesa, Garden Grove, Westminster or Midway City, and in a zone along the 405 freeway extending approximately two miles on either side of the freeway and ranging between Bolsa Chica Rd. on the west end and the 55 freeway on the east end. If you have any information or suggestions, please contact Ben Urbina and the facility search team.
We want to say thank you to Aaron Hodson for working with our 4-7s Sunday School. “Thank you Aaron!” Jan Miles is going to be the coordinator/teacher for this age group each week. Joy Rupprecht will also teach and be working with the children each week, with others helping in various ways.
Please remember that we need to be out of the school auditorium by 12:30 after our worship service. Sometimes our service goes long and this makes it more difficult to do in terms of getting the chairs picked up and the sound equipment out. But try to be sensitive to the time if you are just talking with others and try to move your conversation outside by 12:30 for the janitor’s sake and for the sake of our agreement with the school district.
If you would like to add songs to the Coast Anchor blog or add your blog to the Coast Anchor blog list, email me and let me know. Obviously, we will try to manage this as seems wise and good.
Remember you can access many things on the Coast website at (sermon and teaching audio, notes, birthdays, prayer requests, and contact information for Coast families, etc). If you need login information for the members only section, contact Chris Johnson at
Don't forget your coffee cups for Sunday morning. We would like to leave the "purchased" cups primarily for visitors and newcomers to Coast. Let us come to worship with empty cups ready to be filled!
Check your bulletins on Sunday for other upcoming meetings and events.
Pray for one another "without ceasing," especially those in need of jobs and business growth as well as for those with babies on the way.
Keep trusting His promises, He's never failed us yet and He never will!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Coast News and Reminders
Quote of the Week: “Judge not Christ's love by providences, but by promises.” (Puritan Thomas Wilcox, Honey Out of the Rock)
Promise for the Week: The LORD is the one who goes ahead of you; He will be with you. He will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed. (Deuteronomy 31:8)
Tomorrow night, Friday, March 19, all three home fellowship groups are meeting. These home fellowships are based on geographical region and meet once a month. If you don't know which one is closest to you or if you are not very close to any of the present home fellowships and would like one to be started closer to you, please let us know (Dan or myself).
This Sunday is the sign-up for the food distribution on Saturday, March 27. The suggested donation is $30 (checks are to made out to Coast Community Church and to be given to the deacons - Mike Hodson, Greg Southwick, and Scott Johnson).
There is a ministry need in our Sunday School. If you have an interest in teaching in the 8-12s Sunday School and would like more information, please contact Earl or Dan.
There is also a ministry need for workers in our Nursery/2&3s ministry. If you could help to meet this need and would like more information, please contact our coordinator, Carolyn Sainz.
This Sunday during the 9 AM Pastor's class, we will look again at Psalm 20 - "God Save the King!" (Part 3). At 10:30, we will look at Romans 3:27 - "I’m Saved! Three Cheers for …?!”.
You can access excerpts from last week’s sermon or teaching on another blog called “Look and Live!”: (see sidebar on right)
From last week:
Please be in prayer for Moe Khakbaz as he will be gone for a month to visit his family in another country and to share the gospel. Pray for wisdom and boldness and opportunity and fruit in his witness to his family and others, as well as God’s protection and provision for him and his family during this time.
We are searching more aggressively now for another facility. Please be on the lookout for possible church facility opportunities or industrial space opportunities in Fountain Valley, Huntington Beach, Costa Mesa, Garden Grove, Westminster or Midway City, and in a zone along the 405 freeway extending approximately two miles on either side of the freeway and ranging between Bolsa Chica Rd. on the west end and the 55 freeway on the east end. If you have any information or suggestions, please contact Ben Urbina and the facility search team.
We want to say thank you to Aaron Hodson for working with our 4-7s Sunday School. “Thank you Aaron!” Jan Miles is going to be the coordinator/teacher for this age group each week. Joy Rupprecht will also teach and be working with the children each week, with others helping in various ways.
Please remember that we need to be out of the school auditorium by 12:30 after our worship service. Sometimes our service goes long and this makes it more difficult to do in terms of getting the chairs picked up and the sound equipment out. But try to be sensitive to the time if you are just talking with others and try to move your conversation outside by 12:30 for the janitor’s sake and for the sake of our agreement with the school district.
If you would like to add songs to the Coast Anchor blog or add your blog to the Coast Anchor blog list, email me and let me know. Obviously, we will try to manage this as seems wise and good.
Remember you can access many things on the Coast website at (sermon and teaching audio, notes, birthdays, prayer requests, and contact information for Coast families, etc). If you need login information for the members only section, contact Chris Johnson at
Don't forget your coffee cups for Sunday morning. We would like to leave the "purchased" cups primarily for visitors and newcomers to Coast. Let us come to worship with empty cups ready to be filled!
Check your bulletins on Sunday for other upcoming meetings and events.
Pray for one another "without ceasing," especially those in need of jobs and business growth as well as for those with babies on the way.
Keep trusting His promises, He's never failed us yet and He never will!
Quote of the Week: “Judge not Christ's love by providences, but by promises.” (Puritan Thomas Wilcox, Honey Out of the Rock)
Promise for the Week: The LORD is the one who goes ahead of you; He will be with you. He will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed. (Deuteronomy 31:8)
Tomorrow night, Friday, March 19, all three home fellowship groups are meeting. These home fellowships are based on geographical region and meet once a month. If you don't know which one is closest to you or if you are not very close to any of the present home fellowships and would like one to be started closer to you, please let us know (Dan or myself).
This Sunday is the sign-up for the food distribution on Saturday, March 27. The suggested donation is $30 (checks are to made out to Coast Community Church and to be given to the deacons - Mike Hodson, Greg Southwick, and Scott Johnson).
There is a ministry need in our Sunday School. If you have an interest in teaching in the 8-12s Sunday School and would like more information, please contact Earl or Dan.
There is also a ministry need for workers in our Nursery/2&3s ministry. If you could help to meet this need and would like more information, please contact our coordinator, Carolyn Sainz.
This Sunday during the 9 AM Pastor's class, we will look again at Psalm 20 - "God Save the King!" (Part 3). At 10:30, we will look at Romans 3:27 - "I’m Saved! Three Cheers for …?!”.
You can access excerpts from last week’s sermon or teaching on another blog called “Look and Live!”: (see sidebar on right)
From last week:
Please be in prayer for Moe Khakbaz as he will be gone for a month to visit his family in another country and to share the gospel. Pray for wisdom and boldness and opportunity and fruit in his witness to his family and others, as well as God’s protection and provision for him and his family during this time.
We are searching more aggressively now for another facility. Please be on the lookout for possible church facility opportunities or industrial space opportunities in Fountain Valley, Huntington Beach, Costa Mesa, Garden Grove, Westminster or Midway City, and in a zone along the 405 freeway extending approximately two miles on either side of the freeway and ranging between Bolsa Chica Rd. on the west end and the 55 freeway on the east end. If you have any information or suggestions, please contact Ben Urbina and the facility search team.
We want to say thank you to Aaron Hodson for working with our 4-7s Sunday School. “Thank you Aaron!” Jan Miles is going to be the coordinator/teacher for this age group each week. Joy Rupprecht will also teach and be working with the children each week, with others helping in various ways.
Please remember that we need to be out of the school auditorium by 12:30 after our worship service. Sometimes our service goes long and this makes it more difficult to do in terms of getting the chairs picked up and the sound equipment out. But try to be sensitive to the time if you are just talking with others and try to move your conversation outside by 12:30 for the janitor’s sake and for the sake of our agreement with the school district.
If you would like to add songs to the Coast Anchor blog or add your blog to the Coast Anchor blog list, email me and let me know. Obviously, we will try to manage this as seems wise and good.
Remember you can access many things on the Coast website at (sermon and teaching audio, notes, birthdays, prayer requests, and contact information for Coast families, etc). If you need login information for the members only section, contact Chris Johnson at
Don't forget your coffee cups for Sunday morning. We would like to leave the "purchased" cups primarily for visitors and newcomers to Coast. Let us come to worship with empty cups ready to be filled!
Check your bulletins on Sunday for other upcoming meetings and events.
Pray for one another "without ceasing," especially those in need of jobs and business growth as well as for those with babies on the way.
Keep trusting His promises, He's never failed us yet and He never will!
Friday, March 12, 2010
Coast News and Reminders
We hope this new blog with be helpful in our communication at Coast and in other ways as well. Let us know what you think and we’ll try to utilize the blog in the best ways possible.
Don’t forget to “spring forward” this Saturday night and move your clock ahead one hour for the Daylight Savings Time Change on Sunday.
Please be in prayer for Moe Khakbaz as he leaves today for a month to visit his family and to share the gospel. Pray for wisdom and boldness and opportunity and fruit in his witness to his family and others, as well as God’s protection and provision for him and his family during this time.
If you have not heard there is a parenting conference this Saturday that is being put on by IBCD. Some Coasters are already planning to go (Jan and I are). You can find out more by going to and contacting IBCD.
This Saturday (March 13) is the food box distribution at Thomas Paine at 9 AM. Contact Mike Hodson for more info at 949-285-8172.
This Sunday during the 9 AM Pastor's class, we will look again at Psalm 20 - "God Save the King!" (Part 2). At 10:30, we will look again at Romans 3:26 - "What Are You Trusting Jesus For?"(Part 2).
We are searching more aggressively now for another facility. Please be on the lookout for possible church facility opportunities or industrial space opportunities in Fountain Valley, Huntington Beach, Costa Mesa, Garden Grove, Westminster or Midway City, and in a zone along the 405 freeway extending approximately two miles on either side of the freeway and ranging between Bolsa Chica Rd. on the west end and the 55 freeway on the east end. If you have any information or suggestions, please contact Ben Urbina and the facility search team.
We want to say thank you to Aaron Hodson for working with our 4-7s Sunday School. “Thank you Aaron!” Jan Miles is going to be the coordinator/teacher for this age group each week. Joy Rupprecht will also teach and be working with the children each week, with others helping in various ways.
Please remember that we need to be out of the school auditorium by 12:30 after our worship service. Sometimes our service goes long and this makes it more difficult to do in terms of getting the chairs picked up and the sound equipment out. But try to be sensitive to the time if you are just talking with others and try to move your conversation outside by 12:30 for the janitor’s sake and for the sake of our agreement with the school district.
If you didn’t get notes last week, I’ll have some available on the back table this week. I ran out of ink in the midst of the production of the notes and didn’t have another ink cartridge, as I thought.
If you would like to add songs to the Coast Anchor blog or add your blog to the Coast Anchor blog list, email me and let me know. Obviously, we will try to manage this as seems wise and good.
Please take our translation survey at the bottom of this blog and let us know what your translation of preference is at the present time.
Remember you can access many things on the Coast website at (sermon and teaching audio, notes, birthdays, prayer requests, and contact information for Coast families, etc). If you need login information for the members only section, contact Chris Johnson at
As most of you know, there are home fellowships (based on geographical region) that meet once a month. If you don't know which one is closest to you or if you are not very close to any of the present home fellowships and would like one to be started closer to you, please let us know. All three of the present home fellowships are meeting next Friday (March 19).
Don't forget your coffee cups for Sunday morning. We would like to leave the "purchased" cups primarily for visitors and newcomers to Coast. Let us come to worship with empty cups ready to be filled!
Check your bulletins on Sunday for other upcoming meetings and events.
Pray for one another "without ceasing," especially those in need of jobs and business growth as well as for those with babies on the way.
Keep trusting His promises, He's never failed us yet and He never will!
The Promise of Changelessness
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. (Hebrews 13:8)
We hope this new blog with be helpful in our communication at Coast and in other ways as well. Let us know what you think and we’ll try to utilize the blog in the best ways possible.
Don’t forget to “spring forward” this Saturday night and move your clock ahead one hour for the Daylight Savings Time Change on Sunday.
Please be in prayer for Moe Khakbaz as he leaves today for a month to visit his family and to share the gospel. Pray for wisdom and boldness and opportunity and fruit in his witness to his family and others, as well as God’s protection and provision for him and his family during this time.
If you have not heard there is a parenting conference this Saturday that is being put on by IBCD. Some Coasters are already planning to go (Jan and I are). You can find out more by going to and contacting IBCD.
This Saturday (March 13) is the food box distribution at Thomas Paine at 9 AM. Contact Mike Hodson for more info at 949-285-8172.
This Sunday during the 9 AM Pastor's class, we will look again at Psalm 20 - "God Save the King!" (Part 2). At 10:30, we will look again at Romans 3:26 - "What Are You Trusting Jesus For?"(Part 2).
We are searching more aggressively now for another facility. Please be on the lookout for possible church facility opportunities or industrial space opportunities in Fountain Valley, Huntington Beach, Costa Mesa, Garden Grove, Westminster or Midway City, and in a zone along the 405 freeway extending approximately two miles on either side of the freeway and ranging between Bolsa Chica Rd. on the west end and the 55 freeway on the east end. If you have any information or suggestions, please contact Ben Urbina and the facility search team.
We want to say thank you to Aaron Hodson for working with our 4-7s Sunday School. “Thank you Aaron!” Jan Miles is going to be the coordinator/teacher for this age group each week. Joy Rupprecht will also teach and be working with the children each week, with others helping in various ways.
Please remember that we need to be out of the school auditorium by 12:30 after our worship service. Sometimes our service goes long and this makes it more difficult to do in terms of getting the chairs picked up and the sound equipment out. But try to be sensitive to the time if you are just talking with others and try to move your conversation outside by 12:30 for the janitor’s sake and for the sake of our agreement with the school district.
If you didn’t get notes last week, I’ll have some available on the back table this week. I ran out of ink in the midst of the production of the notes and didn’t have another ink cartridge, as I thought.
If you would like to add songs to the Coast Anchor blog or add your blog to the Coast Anchor blog list, email me and let me know. Obviously, we will try to manage this as seems wise and good.
Please take our translation survey at the bottom of this blog and let us know what your translation of preference is at the present time.
Remember you can access many things on the Coast website at (sermon and teaching audio, notes, birthdays, prayer requests, and contact information for Coast families, etc). If you need login information for the members only section, contact Chris Johnson at
As most of you know, there are home fellowships (based on geographical region) that meet once a month. If you don't know which one is closest to you or if you are not very close to any of the present home fellowships and would like one to be started closer to you, please let us know. All three of the present home fellowships are meeting next Friday (March 19).
Don't forget your coffee cups for Sunday morning. We would like to leave the "purchased" cups primarily for visitors and newcomers to Coast. Let us come to worship with empty cups ready to be filled!
Check your bulletins on Sunday for other upcoming meetings and events.
Pray for one another "without ceasing," especially those in need of jobs and business growth as well as for those with babies on the way.
Keep trusting His promises, He's never failed us yet and He never will!
The Promise of Changelessness
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. (Hebrews 13:8)
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Coast News and Reminders
We want to thank the Lord for a wonderful day together last Sunday and give a special thanks to those who played key roles in it: Nicki from South Africa, our missions team (Ric, Christian, Charlie) and Rene and Diane Cardinas (our wonderful feast makers). And thank you to everyone who helped in various ways. Indeed, thank you to all of you who lead and minister and serve in our body each week in wonderful and needed ways!
If you have not heard there is a parenting conference next Saturday that is being put on by IBCD. Some Coasters are already planning to go (Jan and I are). You can find out more by noting the attachment and contacting IBCD.
We will be getting back into the Psalms this Sunday during the 9 AM Pastor's class. We will look at Psalm 20 - "God Save the King!" At 10:30, we will back in Romans looking especially Romans 3:26 - "What Are You Trusting Jesus For?"
For those of you who are involved, don't forget the leadership meeting at my house at 7 AM tomorrow morning. Breakfast will be served. Please pray for God's wisdom and blessing as we seek to minister at Coast in a way that is pleasing to the Lord.
The all-youth meeting is tonight so please be in prayer for Dan as he teaches and for this special time of encouragement of our youth and the application of the gospel to where they are.
This Sunday is the sign-up for the food boxes distributed by our deacons every other week. A $30 donation is a great investment in light of the food provided. This a wonderful ministry which the Lord has brought about. Please pray for God's wisdom and provision for the future of this ministry in and through our body.
As most of you know, there are home fellowships (based on geographical region) that meet once a month. This is another blessing in our body that the Lord has brought about. If you don't know which one is closest to you or if you are not very close to any of the present home fellowships and would like one to be started closer to you, please let us know.
Don't forget your coffee cups for Sunday morning. We would like to leave the "purchased" cups primarily for visitors and newcomers to Coast. Let us come to worship with empty cups ready to be filled!
Our monthly home prayer meeting opportunity is this coming Thursday at Mike and Diana Hodson's home at 7:30 PM. Please join us if you can. God promises to answer prayer and we desperately need Him as families and as a church. If you need directions contact Mike and Diana at 714-282-8988. If this is not a good time or location for you and you would like to host a prayer meeting in your home, please let us know.
Check your bulletins on Sunday for other upcoming meetings and events.
Pray for one another "without ceasing," especially those in need of jobs and business growth as well as for those with babies on the way.
Keep trusting His promises, He's never failed us yet and He never will!
We want to thank the Lord for a wonderful day together last Sunday and give a special thanks to those who played key roles in it: Nicki from South Africa, our missions team (Ric, Christian, Charlie) and Rene and Diane Cardinas (our wonderful feast makers). And thank you to everyone who helped in various ways. Indeed, thank you to all of you who lead and minister and serve in our body each week in wonderful and needed ways!
If you have not heard there is a parenting conference next Saturday that is being put on by IBCD. Some Coasters are already planning to go (Jan and I are). You can find out more by noting the attachment and contacting IBCD.
We will be getting back into the Psalms this Sunday during the 9 AM Pastor's class. We will look at Psalm 20 - "God Save the King!" At 10:30, we will back in Romans looking especially Romans 3:26 - "What Are You Trusting Jesus For?"
For those of you who are involved, don't forget the leadership meeting at my house at 7 AM tomorrow morning. Breakfast will be served. Please pray for God's wisdom and blessing as we seek to minister at Coast in a way that is pleasing to the Lord.
The all-youth meeting is tonight so please be in prayer for Dan as he teaches and for this special time of encouragement of our youth and the application of the gospel to where they are.
This Sunday is the sign-up for the food boxes distributed by our deacons every other week. A $30 donation is a great investment in light of the food provided. This a wonderful ministry which the Lord has brought about. Please pray for God's wisdom and provision for the future of this ministry in and through our body.
As most of you know, there are home fellowships (based on geographical region) that meet once a month. This is another blessing in our body that the Lord has brought about. If you don't know which one is closest to you or if you are not very close to any of the present home fellowships and would like one to be started closer to you, please let us know.
Don't forget your coffee cups for Sunday morning. We would like to leave the "purchased" cups primarily for visitors and newcomers to Coast. Let us come to worship with empty cups ready to be filled!
Our monthly home prayer meeting opportunity is this coming Thursday at Mike and Diana Hodson's home at 7:30 PM. Please join us if you can. God promises to answer prayer and we desperately need Him as families and as a church. If you need directions contact Mike and Diana at 714-282-8988. If this is not a good time or location for you and you would like to host a prayer meeting in your home, please let us know.
Check your bulletins on Sunday for other upcoming meetings and events.
Pray for one another "without ceasing," especially those in need of jobs and business growth as well as for those with babies on the way.
Keep trusting His promises, He's never failed us yet and He never will!
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