Thursday, March 25, 2010

Coast News and Reminders

Quote of the Week: “Faith receives all from God and brings nothing except an humble confession of want.” (John Calvin)

Promise for the Week: Casting all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you. (1 Peter 5:7)

This Saturday, March 27, is the pick-up for the food distribution. Contact one of our deacons (Mike Hodson, Greg Southwick, or Scott Johnson) if you have any questions.

This Sunday during the 9 AM Pastor's class, we will look again at Psalm 20 - "God Save the King!" (Part 4). At 10:30, we will look at Romans 3:28 - "Caution: Men at Work.”

This Sunday we will celebrate the Lord’s Supper together.

The Coast College and Career Bible Study is this Sunday, March 28.

There is going to be a one day Ladies’ Retreat on May 15. So mark your calendars! More info to come.

There will be a Farewell Potluck for Aaron and April Hodson on April 18. They will be moving to North Carolina (“where nothing could be finer”). More info to come here as well.

From last week:

There is a ministry need in our Sunday School. If you have an interest in teaching in the 8-12s Sunday School and would like more information, please contact Earl or Dan.

There is also a ministry need for workers in our Nursery/2&3s ministry. If you could help to meet this need and would like more information, please contact our coordinator, Carolyn Sainz.

You can access excerpts from past sermons or teachings on another blog called “Look and Live!”:

Please be in prayer for Moe Khakbaz as he visits a foreign country to see his family and to share the gospel. Pray for wisdom and boldness and opportunity and fruit in his witness to his family and others, as well as God’s protection and provision for him and his family during this time.

We are searching more aggressively now for another facility. Please be on the lookout for possible church facility opportunities or industrial space opportunities in Fountain Valley, Huntington Beach, Costa Mesa, Garden Grove, Westminster or Midway City, and in a zone along the 405 freeway extending approximately two miles on either side of the freeway and ranging between Bolsa Chica Rd. on the west end and the 55 freeway on the east end. If you have any information or suggestions, please contact Ben Urbina and the facility search team.

We want to say thank you to Aaron Hodson for working with our 4-7s Sunday School. “Thank you Aaron!” Jan Miles is going to be the coordinator/teacher for this age group each week. Joy Rupprecht will also teach and be working with the children each week, with others helping in various ways.

Please remember that we need to be out of the school auditorium by 12:30 after our worship service. Sometimes our service goes long and this makes it more difficult to do in terms of getting the chairs picked up and the sound equipment out. But try to be sensitive to the time if you are just talking with others and try to move your conversation outside by 12:30 for the janitor’s sake and for the sake of our agreement with the school district.

If you would like to add songs to the Coast Anchor blog or add your blog to the Coast Anchor blog list, email me and let me know. Obviously, we will try to manage this as seems wise and good.

Remember you can access many things on the Coast website at (sermon and teaching audio, notes, birthdays, prayer requests, and contact information for Coast families, etc). If you need login information for the members only section, contact Chris Johnson at

Don't forget your coffee cups for Sunday morning. We would like to leave the "purchased" cups primarily for visitors and newcomers to Coast. Let us come to worship with empty cups ready to be filled!

Check your bulletins on Sunday for other upcoming meetings and events.

Pray for one another "without ceasing," especially those in need of jobs and business growth as well as for those with babies on the way.

Keep trusting His promises, He's never failed us yet and He never will!

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