An Encouragement to Reach Out to Unbelievers (with Some Ideas of How to Start)
Man-fishing? What is that? Just picture an early morning sunrise with a sleepy guy standing on the edge of a lake with a breakfast burrito in one hand and a fishing pole in the other. He’s just cast his line into the lake with some tasty morsel on the hook. Now he’s waiting to see if he gets a bite. Or picture another man in another part of the world casting a large net off the side of his boat and slowly pulling it in. He too is eagerly waiting to see if he’s caught anything. Now imagine the “fish” being sought after are not fish, but men! Jesus Himself used the picture of fishing to describe seeking to save others through the proclamation of the gospel. It is important to have a biblical perspective on “man-fishing.” (Mark 1:17)
Man-fish aren’t naturally attracted to the gospel truth we are using for bait. The gospel of Jesus Christ is offensive to the natural man because it humbles him, exalts Jesus as Savior and Lord, and gives all the glory to God. (Romans 3:10-18)
Man-fishing is ultimately only something God can make successful. If God doesn’t make our fishing trip successful, no amount of skill and passion on our part will make up for it. God saves men (and women and children!) according to His sovereign mercy. (Romans 9:15-16)
But God has chosen to use His people to save people. Although we are not sufficient to save anyone, we are necessary for the salvation of others because God has designed it that way. (Romans 10:13-17)
The call to follow Christ is the call to become a fisher of men. Jesus calls us to love as He loved and to love others as we love ourselves which requires that we lay down our lives to become fishers of men. (Mark 1:14-18)
As we consider “going fishing” for men, what do we need to think about?
The Gear
· Our “fishing gear” must include love for Christ and wanting others to know Him. (2 Corinthians 5:10-21)
· Our “fishing gear” must include a loving life that backs up our profession. (Philippians 2:14-16)
· Our “fishing gear” must include a clear understanding of the gospel. (Ephesians 2:1-10)
· Our “fishing gear” must include prayer to God for open doors, bold-ness, graciousness, clarity, faithfulness under persecution, and fruit. (Colossians 4:2-6; Acts 4:29-31)
The Lake or Stream
Make a list of all the unbelievers in your life: immediate family, extended family, close friends, co-workers, neighbors, classmates, old high school friends, acquaintances like grocery clerks, mailmen, tax preparers, gardeners, maids, etc. Think of anyone you have had a relationship with or see on some regular basis right now. Write down their names and begin to pray for them. Then ask the Lord how you can begin to love and serve and reach out to them.
The Rod or Net
1. We can fish for men by inviting them to “hear” the truth. (John 1:46)
*Invite unbelievers to church or to a gospel-oriented event.
*Give unbelievers a book to read.
*Give unbelievers an audio to listen to or a DVD to watch.
*Hand someone a tract or put it in a bill payment.
*Invite unbelievers over for coffee/ dinner.
*Have a neighborhood fellowship time or Bible study at your home.
*Leave a thank you note, a tract, and a nice tip for the waitress or waiter.
*Use holidays to give out “goodies” with gospel materials included.
*Do things just to get to know better and to serve the unbelievers in your life.
*Look for opportunities and also seek to create opportunities to serve and share truth with unbelievers.
*Go where unbelievers are and be involved in what they are involved in.
2. We can fish for men by telling them the truth ourselves. (1 Peter 3:15)
*Be prepared to comment on news and events from a biblical perspective.
*Be prepared to share your salvation testimony or what God is doing in your life today in 2 minutes or less.
*Be prepared to present a complete presentation of the gospel in 5 or 10 min-utes.
*Write to an unbeliever and speak the truth in gentleness and love.
*Ask unbelievers how you can pray for them and tell them why you believe God answers your prayers.
*Ask unbelievers if you can pray with them, especially when they are in need.
*Ask unbelievers if you can get together for coffee and read the Bible together.
*Do good to unbelievers and tell them it is because of Jesus.
Resources: Some Suggestions to Get Started
What are some resources to help us in “man-fishing”?
Tracts: Two Ways To Live (Matthias Media); Experiencing God’s Grace (Southern Seminary); Quest for Joy (Desiring God); Simple Simon (Dominica Free Press)
Bibles: ESV Outreach NT (Crossway)
Evangelistic Bible Studies: Matthias Media
Biblical Views on Various Issues: Booklets by the Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation
Apologetics: The Case for Christ (Lee Strobel); Evidence That Demands a Verdict (Josh McDowell), Answers in Genesis Ministry
DVDs, Audios: Desiring God Ministries, Ligonier Ministries, Matthias Media
Training: Six Steps to Talking About Jesus (Matthias Media – note: some material in this pamphlet is dependent on this series)